October 22, 2024

A women’s bag is not just a part of the wardrobe or a container in which a lady carries the necessary things. This is a real business card, an indicator of style, personality and status of a woman. In order not to get lost among the huge variety of models, you should carefully analyze what kind of bag you need. To do this, you will have to answer your own questions. Do you need it for work in the office, for every day, for going to the store or to go to the theater with it? What material is preferred? What size is optimal? What form do you prefer? Handle length? Color? Availability of accessories? But better still…


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1) Of course, the main criterion is the purpose of the handbag. If you choose a model for the office, then you will surely carry documents in it. In this case, it would be more appropriate to have a rigid model of medium or large size, where A4 papers can easily fit, you do not have to worry that they will be wrinkled. Office ladies often purchase a briefcase bag.

2) Everyday bag can be any shape you like. Soft replica quality bags are very popular, they are more spacious, you can put an oversized thing in them, they are usually lighter in weight. Consider what exactly you will put in such a bag, then it will be easier to decide on the shape and size. Every woman has a range of habits and a set of favorite things.

3) The main characteristics that are required from a shopping bag are spaciousness and reliability. Pay attention to the strength of the material from which the shopping bag is made, the width and reliability of the handles. It should be comfortable for you to carry it in your hand and on your shoulder.

4) A special place is occupied by models for an evening out. Usually these are small handbags, where only lipstick and a mobile phone or clutches are placed. The product is selected for a certain dress, it should be combined with an evening dress in style or be a bright accessory that emphasizes individuality.

5) Another type of fashion models is beach bags. The main requirements for them are colorfulness, originality and waterproofness. It is important that the bag is combined with a beach set: swimsuit, pareo, sundress, sandals.


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The bag can be made of leather, textile, leatherette, linen and other materials.

1) The leather model is the most reliable and resistant to damage, but at the same time it is heavier and more expensive.

2) A summer bag can be made of fabric or linen, but a bag for winter and off-season is better to choose waterproof and easy to wash. This will help keep its contents dry and clean even during rains and snows.


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The size depends on the purpose and what you plan to wear in it. Now large bags are in fashion, they are roomy and comfortable. It should be remembered that super fake bags that are too heavy can adversely affect health. Regularly carrying heavy weights on one shoulder can lead to a curvature of the spine. It is desirable that the weight of the filled bag does not exceed 2-3 kg.

Buying any thing for a woman is a responsible matter. But if you do not spend time choosing, put your soul into it, connecting your taste and intuition, the bag will become a matter of pride, perhaps even the envy of your friends.

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