October 22, 2024
replica bags fendi

Our long-awaited cooperation

How to make Fendi Baguette more iconic and attractive? It’s simple: Let the one and only Sarah Jessica Parker design her own capsule collection of handbags. The long-awaited collaboration is finally here in 2022, and the best part: it’s even better than we thought it would be.

fake bags

The timeless Fendi fake Baguette will be 25 years old in 2022! It was a huge event to celebrate the bag and they released a number of new designs in collaboration with Tiffany & Co and Marc Jacobs.

But apparently that wasn’t enough to cap off 2022 for the luxury Italian brand, so they decided to team up with Sarah Jessica Parker, with whom the bag has always been associated.

If you’re a fan of the iconic TV show Sex and the City, you know that Carrie Bradshaw often wears The Baguette by Fendi. It is because of this show that the bag gained such popularity and became a brand.

There are so many beautiful ways this bag can be designed, and Sarah Jessica Parker finally had the chance to redesign one of her favorite replica designer bags.

fake bags

The collection includes four different Baguettes baguettes, which are finished with timeless sequins in perfect pastel shades: purple, mustard green, pale pink and soft blue. These fake quality bags come in ombre designs and are hand dyed making them all unique.

Our favorite part: the interchangeable buckles. Are you wearing a trendy or shiny outfit and want your bag to match? Then simply swap out the buckles according to your look and mood for the day.

The Sarah Jessica Parker X Fendi Baguette is available in every style, or if you’re like us and you want them all, come to our Fake Bags site and you should add this bag to your wish list. Have a question or looking for a specific designer item? We are more than happy to assist you through our electronic platforms.

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